Google recently acquired 4 (!) robotics companies. Robots aren't really related to payment security (who knows?) but I could not deny myself the pleasure of posting this information.
Cartes (Exhibition & Conference) in Paris, France next week... Well, maybe Cartes America in Las Vegas next year... This is my first McAfee conference. I did not expect to see so many people! Well, so far it was just a welcome reception night club for the partners, in Venetian Las Vegas... The conference actually starts tomorrow... I am going to the PCI SSC community meeting in Las Vegas next week.
Anyone who knows what it is :) - see you there! Windows 8.1 RTM (Release To Manufacturing) was just released to MSDN subscribers. There are several visible improvements such as return of famous Start button. There are also invisible innovations. For example, new POS device support classes which allow communicating from your Windows Store App directly to devices such as MSR. Those new classes are Windows Store App analogue of POS for .NET used in classic Windows applications.
My book about payment application security is being published by Wiley.
You may pre-order it now at Amazon. The book is called Hacking Point of Sale: Payment Application Secrets, Threats, and Solutions. Hacking Point of Sale describes the payment application security as a journey from the failure of the “security through obscurity” approach to the power of real cryptographic solutions. All aspects of card-payment processing, from the structure of magnetic stripes to the architecture and deployment models of payment applications, are reviewed from the viewpoint of security. Although there is an entire chapter about PCI, as well as multiple references to the standards (an essential part of the payment industry), the book is not a trivial guide to PCI compliance but looks beyond PCI and provides practical recommendations on how to implement real application security controls. The book covers:
I wish all the systems I work with were "All Secure"!
But I can't even imagine how attractive "All Secure" rating is for hackers! "Financial Tracking Technologies, LLC announced today that it received an "All Secure" rating, the highest possible, by a third party security penetration test of its data security. The penetration and vulnerability tests were conducted during the months of May and June of this year by Loricca Inc., a world class data security consulting firm located in Tampa, Florida." |
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