I had two comments, though.
1. There is another startup (in addition to Coin) that tries to capitalize on reanimation of dying magnetic stripe technology - Loop. I have published an article about Coin and Loop in VentureBeat:
2. I have PayPal debit card (by the way, it is MasterCard, not Discover). Now, as soon as I get my new shiny iPhone 6, theoretically, I can add this card to Passbook and pay with my PayPal account through Apple Pay! Wouldn't it be cool and funny? However, I don't think Apple will allow this because it looks like they are going to control which issuers are participating. I don't think that this is the case with Coin and Loop - they would love to allow as much cards and issuers as possible. Not that I like the concept of Coin and Loop - I am against any attempts to reanimate the dying magnetic stripe technology (by the way, Apple Pay is also based on magnetic stripe cards, but it does it in elegant form, as always). So the important point is that Apple Pay can be limited according to Apple preferences. We have to have a common standard that would be based on Apple Pay technology.