However, Landry's outlets also use "order-entry systems with a card reader attached for waitstaff to enter kitchen and bar orders and to swipe Landry's Select Club reward cards," which allowed attackers to successfully steal customers' payment data "in rare circumstances" when waitstaff mistakenly swiped payment cards on them."
"The restaurant chain did not speculate how many customers may have been affected, but it is "notifying customers" that "in rare circumstances, appear to have been mistakenly swiped by waitstaff on devices used to enter kitchen and bar orders, which are different devices than the point-of-sale terminals used for payment processing," the breach notification says.
The malware searched for track data (which sometimes has the cardholder name in addition to card number, expiration date, and internal verification code) read from a payment card after it was swiped on the order-entry systems. In some instances, the malware only identified the part of the magnetic stripe that contained payment card information without the cardholder name."